Writing in Many Places

I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I would always carry a notebook and pen, just in case. Ideas would come to me, and I would scribble them down wherever I was. So I have written in many places.

I have written flash fictions in coffee shops, fuelled by mochas. I have scribbled stories in libraries, revelling in the quiet. I have written poems in churches, between choir rehearsals, inspired by song. I have written a thousand tales at bus stops and train stations, whittling away time in my own worlds. I have written longer stories beside rivers, nestled in nooks of tree roots, watching the world go by.

And on Saturday, I wrote on the beach. I saw the weekly prompt whilst sitting on the sand, and got inspired by the sea. I wrote the flash fiction, calmed by the sights and sounds of the sea, along with a couple of poems too. It may sound unusual, but it worked. I really enjoyed it, and my try it again next time I am at the seaside.

Tomorrow, I will be writing on the train, as I head to a meeting. I have missed doing that, during the pandemic. Its something I used to do all the time, especially on longer journeys, to take up the time. I used to do it on the train to my old office, as a way to calm my mind before the day started.

These days, I write anywhere and anytime. I write a lot of stories on my mobile, aswell as in my notebook. I know, I should stick to notebooks, as a proper writer. But its easier, when out and about. It easier to see, with large fonts and colour inversion. And it means I can still enjoy writing, wherever I am.

I will always be writing. I love it too much to stop. So I will be writing in many places, for the rest of my life. Just don’t disturb me, when you see me writing in odd places.

By Sarah

A visually impaired science fiction and fantasy writer who loves music, mythology, and plays the clarinet. Had one short story and eleven flashes published both in print and online. A work in progress, improving my mental health one story at a time.