The Christmas Steam Train Ride

The steam train

Last night, we did something new for Christmas. We went on a steam train ride.

It was my mums birthday, and my dad surprised her with this treat, after twenty five years of not taking her out for her birthday. It was me, her, my dad and my boyfriend. And it was lovely.

The station itself was wonderful, all lit up on the outside. Inside, stood small Christmas trees and blue tinsel, blue fairy lights gently shining against dark brown wood. It felt like stepping back in time.

Before we got to the platform, we went through a little grotto. It was full of intricate lights, a few market stalls selling sweets, and a man on stilts juggling illuminated bowling pins. It was wonderful, and we marvelled at everything as we waited to board. Past that, was a line of tall Christmas trees, leading us to the platform. The smell of pine lingered on the air, as if we were walking through an ancient magical forest into a fairy realm. It didn’t matter that it was cold and dark. It was an adventure. Besides, I had my guide, my anchor, my boyfriends hand in mine.

I have been on steam trains before. But it was still as exciting. We had our own little carriage, in the old style, with the compartments and super comfortable seats. There was prosecci, qnd a grazing box of snacks.

The train made all sorts of magical noises as we set off, making me smile, how trains should sound. And then we set off. We talked, and ate and drank. The train rumbled beneath and around me, comforting sound like the purring of a magnificent beast, or perhaps thunder. Perhaps more like a dragon, what with all that firepower.

We talked and ate, in our own little world. We forgot troubles and cares and worries for a while, just enjoying the ride. We stopped somewhere, a little place all lit up for Christmas.

We got off for a while, admired the lights and enjoyed some music by some decent singers. Sometimes Carol singers can be a bit hit and miss. But those singers were lovely. We wandered through trees and little illuminates dogs, and explored a little station house beside some trees. My boyfriend cuddled me from behind, as we stood on the platform.

And for the first time in a few years, I felt it. That warm, cosy feeling. The joy, of Christmas. It was little my heart expanded, my whole body filled with warmth. I cried a little. I had lost the spirit of Christmas a few years back. But I could feel it again.

We got back on the train, and I felt happy. Glad we had done this. And excited for Christmas, for the first time in years.

By Sarah

A visually impaired science fiction and fantasy writer who loves music, mythology, and plays the clarinet. Had one short story and eleven flashes published both in print and online. A work in progress, improving my mental health one story at a time.