Audiobook Appreciation Month

I have just found out that June is Audiobook Appreciation Month. So in here, I will talk about Audiobooks, and what they mean to me.

I have always loved reading, for as long as I can remember. Its what started me off wanting to be a creative writer. I read the Hobbit when I was about seven, and I remember loving it, being fascinated by this wonderful world, and wanting to write stories like it. I was always reading growing up, mainly fantasy and science fiction, but also enjoyed texts for English Literature, and all these stories definitely influence my own, especially science fiction.

When the visual impairment came around, I struggled with reading. I didn’t think reading was for me. It became more difficult to read printed text, and there was about a year or so after graduation when I just didn’t. But after a while, I began to miss it. I wanted to read again. 

It was then I found Audible, and it changed all that. I could read again. I didn’t have to struggle, as the stories were read to me, and there were so many to choose from. I was so excited. It was like finding an old friend, who opened up its arms and welcomed me home. And now I can enjoy all these stories, just like I used to, included in these wonderful worlds. And I can enjoy them even more, with the feeling of being totally immersed in these worlds, experiencing it in more detail and alongside the characters, part of the narrative, as if I could be there too. It has definitely improved my writing

I’ve even explored new hooks, that I wouldn’t have before. I slowly got my confidence in reading back, and tried new titles and genres, just because they were in Audible. They have lots of my old favourites, and are always adding more for me to try. I will confess I haven’t liked everything, some books not for me. But on the whole, I have loved Audible. I get excited, when new authors from the writing group publish their work in audiobooks, meaning I can enjoy their stories too, included in their worlds. Its a lovely surprise, when I find something new I like the sound of, and it has an option to purchase it in Audible, a lovely touch that always makes me smile, and ensures I will both buy and read that book. And you can bet, if I ever finish this novella, it will be an audiobook too. 

I love Audible, and Audiobooks. I know some people in the writing community say its not proper reading. But it is to me. It opens up a door, that was previously slammed shut on me. It means I can still do something I love, even if its not the traditional way. And it makes me happy. So I will keep doing it, keep reading audiobooks. In fact, I found a new one last night that I’ve just started, that I’m enjoying so far. As far as I’m concerned, keep them coming.

By Sarah

A visually impaired science fiction and fantasy writer who loves music, mythology, and plays the clarinet. Had one short story and eleven flashes published both in print and online. A work in progress, improving my mental health one story at a time.