Loving Tiger

A rainbow coloured flute held above a box of colourful maracas

I struggle with shopping. I find it a bit of a struggle mentally, with new environments and sounds and smells. I struggle seeing items and finding sizes, and also navigating around stores is a challenge sometimes, with narrow spaces and bright lights.

Which is why I love flying tiger. I find their store really calming and relaxing. They have a one way system, easy to navigate, and no one rushes you, and the lighting isn’t too bright. They always have fun colourful items, easy to see, and super tactile. You can pick up items and bring them closer, and no one minds, or have a feel of things. I love feeling the stress balls or toy dinosaurs, investigating things for myself and seeing how they work, especially their fun gadgets. This time, they had a set of toy musical instruments; a rainbow flute, maracas, drum, tambourine and whistle set. And I loved it, having an audible toy instead of a visual one, and also because I love music. I spent a good while at that section, just having a go, and no one minded. A stranger even joined in, forming a small duet on the flute, which was lovely. I have had people ask if I need help with anything in tiger before, even helping me find items when I mentioned the visual impairment.

I always find something I like, or something useful in their shop, and I love going. Its a welcome break, when other shops stress me out and drain me, really refuels the tank to carry on. I wish there were more shops like it. Paperchase is similar, on the same line of thought, and I always end up there too. The store in Hitchin knows I don’t see so well, and even stocked the pens I like with the thicker ink, when I explained they were easier to see. I just wish there were more shops like them, that were more enjoyable to visit.

By Sarah

A visually impaired science fiction and fantasy writer who loves music, mythology, and plays the clarinet. Had one short story and eleven flashes published both in print and online. A work in progress, improving my mental health one story at a time.