A New Way to Read Poetry

I do love a good poem. And I often write them. But I also like reading them.

But many poems are published in print, with small fonts I struggle over. Some are made into Kindle versions, but not many. But I still like to read poetry. Occasionally, I have found Audible versions of poems, perhaps a collection by Keats or Wordsworth. But again, not many, and only the classics. The classics are good, of course, but I want to taste all the flavours of poetry, from the greats to the every day.

Recently, I found a new way to read poetry, with a new website called Poem a Day. And its wonderful.

Each day, I get an audio recording of a poem into my inbox, and I love discovering new poets through it, and new poems too. They have text versions with it, but I prefer the audio recordings. They only take a few minutes to listen to, and all have great voices, who take their time over stanzas. And its become part of my morning routine, to click the link and listen to a poem while making a cup of coffee.

And I love it. Not just because I am included in the world of poetry. But because they have new and upcoming poems, all styles, all lengths, all genres. Some rhyme, some don’t. And I don’t know what sort of poem will land in my inbox in the morning, which gives a certain excitement, a thrill of discovery.

Its a new way to read poetry, and I’m really enjoying it.

By Sarah

A visually impaired science fiction and fantasy writer who loves music, mythology, and plays the clarinet. Had one short story and eleven flashes published both in print and online. A work in progress, improving my mental health one story at a time.