The Essential Insomnia Guide

So you’ve tried all the usual tips for insomnia, but you still can’t sleep. You toss and turn, or wake for no reason. Are you looking for some new tricks to help you sleep? Well here are some new things to try, from someone who knows insomnia, and some pieces of advice.

I’ve been living with insomnia for over a decade, and I always look for things that might help. But I’ve tried all the usual, the sleepy teas and the lavender scented pillows, and have struggled to find what works for me. And all the normal articles just state the obvious, setting bedtime routines and eating healthily, drinking water and exercising, which ate great, but make no difference. So here are some things that might help, that I have found.

  1. Have a hot chocolate. People always recommend sleepy teas, which are grand. But many taste like tar, or leave odd sensory tingles on your tongue. Whereas hot chocolate is sweeter than honey, and can knock you out for several hours. If you have one before bed, it really does the trick makes you feel super sleepy, and tastes great. For sleepy teas, I would recommend Sweetest Dreams by T2Tea, which does taste really nice and can help you drift off.
  2. Be kind to yourself. This shit is hard. And you know that, or you wouldn’t be here. And it can be frustrating, to struggle over something so simple, that everyone finds easy. Maybe you won’t sleep well tonight. But you don’t need to beat yourself up for it. And in the morning, if you feel like death, if you feel drained with no energy to even have a shower and the day feels impossible, be kind to yourself. It’s okay to have a slower day, if you haven’t slept well the night before.
  3. Use noise reducung earbuds. These can muffle the noises of the night, of traffic and people and birds and cats, making one less thing for your mind to wake up for. They come in bright colours, and are comfortable to wear all night, and can really make things easier. My favourite are a set by Calmer, which also provide a soothing effect to my brain, making it feel relaxed for sleep.
  4. Reading, or writing. For me, writing can help with insomnia. Sometimes distracting my mind by writing about spaceships or elves can help me drift off, and putting it in stories makes it not seem so bad. Reading a book before bed also works for me, both Kindle and Audible, with a similar effect of distracting my mind. If I combine reading with some soft smooth saxophone jazz, I can hit a sweet golden zone of sleep , and do at least six hours in one go.
  5. Find what makes you comfy. If your bed is like the princess in the peas, you won’t sleep. Find cosy comfort, blankets, pillows, cushions, a fluffy penguin, whatever you need to get yourself in the sleepy zone. And even if sleep is impossible, at least you’ll be comfortable while you stare at the stars. Also, ensure the space is a comfortable temperature, not too hot or too cold, as your mind will wake you up and say its not comfortable. For summer, I use a small bedroom fan which works a treat. 
  6. Sometimes, nothing works. Sometimes you can do all your methods, meditation and yoga and no coffee late. But sometimes, your mind just wants to be awake. On those days, perhaps have a chat with insomnia and anxiety, see what’s bothering them. Of course, sometimes there is no reason. On those nights, scream at the void.
  7. Boom and bust. Some days you may sleep okay, and be full of energy, like a lightning storm. Other days you may sleep in snatches, and be as flat as a balloon. That’s okay, and knowing these patterns can help, even if no day is the same. On flatter days, just take your time. Be a tortoise, not a hare. And on lightning days, try not to do too much and burn through it.
  8. Managing the drain. The day after a bad night can often feel like a hangover, like you’re a corpse whose been resurrected, and you have to make it through the day. Spoons of energy can help, and can be found in coffee, blueberry muffins, nature, music, writing, a meeting that goes well, a chat with a friend, a takeaway. Do what works for you. If you run out of steam later, you can always have another slice of cake.
  9. Sweet things and comfy clothes. Sometimes, when we’re exhausted, all we want is cake, a big cheeseburger or to wear that favoruite floppy t-shirt. And that’s okay. We don’t always have to be healthy, and its fine to order a pizza if we’re to tired to cook. The last thing you need is to spend energy on scratchy clothes, so if its a pyjama day then that’s okay. On office days, perhaps something smart, that’s still comfortable, loose fitting and no tight trousers, and eat three thousand donuts if you want. No one will mind.
  10. Alcohol can help. Many places say not to have it, that it will keep you awake. But sometimes, just making it through the day is celebration enough. And alcohol can make you sleepy, in some cases, as it relaxes the mind. It can often lead to deep sleep, if you just have one or two.

By Sarah

A visually impaired science fiction and fantasy writer who loves music, mythology, and plays the clarinet. Had one short story and eleven flashes published both in print and online. A work in progress, improving my mental health one story at a time.