Happy Things

Today is the International day of happiness. So instead of talking about sight loss or insomnia, today I will talk about the things that make me happy.

1. Writing. Writing always makes me happy, and improves my mental health with every word. I’m never filled with more joy and delight and wonder as when my fingers are tapping on keys and stories are spilling from my soul, when I’m creating a flash or  poem. Because in those moments, the world fades away, and I find pure peace like nowhere else, as I fly on spaceships or dragons, or travel in time to kingdoms of colour.

2. Playing or listening to music. Music is one of my happy places, where I am at home, and when I play my clarinet, or hear sweet music I love like jazz, I am filled with that euphoric  ecstasy that is like no other, and I breathe and become better with every note.

3. Being in nature. Nature for me, is a sensual paradise, and losing my sight has intensified this even more. Forests, parks, by rivers and seas are my serene spots, where I can find quiet in a loud world, where scenes and sounds wrap me in comfort, and I can meditate for a while, or tap out a poem on my phone. They are hidden havens, where I can be me, and even hearing their voice in ambient sounds brings me joy.

4. Coffee. I love coffee, and it always makes me happy. I always find it magical, how beans can be turned into something wonderful, alchemy in every cup. They are a symphony of the senses, and that makes them even more special. I love trying all sorts of coffee, and always find pleasure and delight in every sip.

5. Something sweet. I’ll admit I have a sweet tooth. I love cakes and biscuits, even though I know they’re not healthy choices. But they make me happy, and I love nothing more than something sweet, even if its just a good old blueberry muffin, or a strawberry milkshake.

6. Little acts of kindness. This is something that always delights me. I guess because I’ve heard stories, of how some people treat people with sight loss, so I don’t often expect kindness. So when strangers do little acts of kindness, it fills me with joy. It’s something I’ve come across more and more, during this sight loss and long cane journey, and has made it all easier, when people ask if I need help or direct me through dark venues, or even just say that my cane is “wickdd”.

7. Lego. It may sound silly, but I love Lego. For it is a haven of creativity, and colour, places where anything is possible, where builds are bold and big enough to see, and how could those things not make me happy?

8. Norse myths, standing stones, and pagan ways. I love Norse myths, for they healed and saved and helped when I needed them most, bringing wonder and delight and joy back into my life. And through this journey of sight loss, they have been my anchor, and always will be. I’m not Christian anymore, and have found more joy when walking round a stone circle, and feeling its ancient magic rumble through grass and bone, filling me from head to toe with awe.

By Sarah

A visually impaired science fiction and fantasy writer who loves music, mythology, and plays the clarinet. Had one short story and eleven flashes published both in print and online. A work in progress, improving my mental health one story at a time.