Designer of Worlds

There are many programmes, movies, and documentaries about Tolkien. But that one was the best. Its called J.R.R.Tolkien: Designer of Wolrds and it was fantastic. They delved into all his works, including the lost tales and the silmarillion. They told his story, properly, fully, from beginning to end. There was soft music, set to woodlands… Continue reading Designer of Worlds

Ralph and Katie

I’ve been trying a new TV show, and am really enjoying it. Its called Ralph and Katie, about a newly married couple who have Down’s Syndrome, and the life they live with this condition. Its more of a rom com, so its not my usual. But I saw a trailer and liked the look of… Continue reading Ralph and Katie

The Ear Defenders

I struggle with sensory overload, with sudden loud noises. I always have. Perhaps it comes from being a quiet person. Perhaps it comes from anxiety. Perhaps its inherited. My mum has a similar issue, over balloons, Christmas crackers and fireworks. Fireworks is one of the top things on the list, that cause sensory overload, slightly… Continue reading The Ear Defenders


I recently went to a new hairdresser, as I needed it. My hair was getting long, and I wanted it to look nice for some filming for work. I struggle with hairdressers. They cause sensory overload, and are a haven of small talk, which I don’t like and am not very good at. I’ve been… Continue reading Hairdressers