Loving HP Lovecraft

In my time, I’ve read lots of books in lots of genres and styles. But one I haven’t read much of is horror. I’ve been intrigued by it for ages, after having read and loved Edgar Allan Poe. And yes, I know he’s not strictly horror, more fantastical or supernatural than anything, but if you’re… Continue reading Loving HP Lovecraft

Happy Things

Today is the International day of happiness. So instead of talking about sight loss or insomnia, today I will talk about the things that make me happy. 1. Writing. Writing always makes me happy, and improves my mental health with every word. I’m never filled with more joy and delight and wonder as when my… Continue reading Happy Things

Designer of Worlds

There are many programmes, movies, and documentaries about Tolkien. But that one was the best. Its called J.R.R.Tolkien: Designer of Wolrds and it was fantastic. They delved into all his works, including the lost tales and the silmarillion. They told his story, properly, fully, from beginning to end. There was soft music, set to woodlands… Continue reading Designer of Worlds