Solstice Celebrations

A picture of me wearing a tshirt with Thor on it and a yellow hoodie, smiling in the sun. I am standing in front of the Ring of Brodgar, a large stone circle in Orkney

Today is the summer solstice, and I shall celebrate.

The past few years I’ve left Christianity behind. Perhaps one day I will go back. But the old ancient ways call to my soul, and make me feel whole. And for now, that is what makes me happy. For now, they are what I need to heal. For now, they keep me going along this road.

I’ve been steadily embracing the more pagan sides of me, in the past few years. I’ve continued my love of myths from Norse, Celtic, Scandinavia and much more. I even picked up some Audibles of Orkney and Scottish Myths and Legends, to learn more and find more magic in the world. At Christmas, I made my festivities more Norse based, which really improved my experience of the holiday, and with a plan to do more.

Last week I visited the Ring of Brodgar in Orkney, and soaked up some of the stones magic. It was a wonderful experience, super sunny and awe inspiring walking round the stones, and really liked the sea being so near with its symphonic sound soothing my soul. They also even had tactile paving to the stones, which was a lovely surprise. It was part of my solstice celebrations, and I sat by the stones for a while and wrote some poems, stories, inspired by these ancient figures and their magical mystery.

I also read an article about how best to celebrate the solstice at home. It included items such as meditation, and being in nature. I did a long meditation this morning, and a longer dog walk, savouring peace and nature.

Tonight, I will wear my Tree of Life necklace and bracelet, and write some more. I will wear my Thor tshirt and dream of forgotten days, of lands before time, where magic still breathed and gods still roamed. I have a few pagan playlists now, and have found a solstice one to get me in the mood. I will listen to folk music; Norse, Celtic, Scottish, and feel one with the world, dream of stones and summer sun. 

I will celebrate the old ways, and myself too. I’ve come a long way, since I last visited Stonehenge, and even since the last solstice, with all this work I’ve been doing on my mental health and personal development. I have some cider, and will a raise a toast, with old gods who are dear friends to me, always there.

For today is a day of summer sun, long nights, and joy and wonder. And old myths are part of me, that give meaning, that make me whole, that ignites my soul when I am lost. And so I shall give thanks, for their compass on the sea of life.

And I can watch the solstice, celebrate with druid and sage even from afar. The English Heritage have a YouTube channel, where they livestream the sunrise and sunset. It began as a pandemic thing for me, as I wanted to see the sunset but was unable to attend in person. And every year since, I have watched their recordings, felt the power of the sun transforming me even through my laptop. And I like watching the sun. I know it means that good times and longer days are ahead (even if I got a teaser of this in Orkney when it was light until 11:30) and my eyes are better in light than at night. I dread when it starts to get dark, in early October, and treasure the sunshine as long as I can.

Today is the summer solstice, and I shall celebrate.

By Sarah

A visually impaired science fiction and fantasy writer who loves music, mythology, and plays the clarinet. Had one short story and eleven flashes published both in print and online. A work in progress, improving my mental health one story at a time.