The Prescription Battle

Feel like a weights been lifted off me. Sorry if its a long read, need to get it out my system. Its been something that’s taken the whole of September to sort, caused depression and sleep deprivation, and I’m still trying to recover.

So we had to change doctors recently as the catchment area changed, after my family being with that place in Hitchin for +30 years. I found somewhere new in Letchworth that stated it was accessible, that everyone rated highly, and seemed to tick all my boxes, and was an easy enough registration process. I got signed up, sent my ID, and got on to their doctors.

I have a prescription for insomnia. I know, there’s lots of stigmas about insomnia medication. But it really helps me out and keeps my other demons (depression and anxiety) in check and I actually sleep through the night. so I ordered some on the 3rd as usual but couldn’t get it processed. I had to get it approved by the new place which was fine, and had some lovely phone calls with the new doctors to sort that out. A week went by, nothing. I ran out. I struggled with depression. I didn’t sleep much. despite them saying it had been sorted, it wasn’t. I made some more phone calls and then went on holiday, because I couldn’t do any more and didn’t have the mental energy or capacity to do anything else. I caught up on sleep in Amsterdam and I didn’t realise how exhausted had been, felt like had been hit by a truck and slept for a solid ten hours the first night, plus on the Eurostar. I managed okay with coffee and asked my boyfriend if we could take it slowly, and we compromised by having two quieter days. and it was a good time, feel refreshed.

When I got home, I had a day off on the Monday, reserved to fix this. I headed down to the pharmacy to sort it out, to fight my corner. I discovered it had been sent to the wrong place, an online chemist I didn’t ask for or want, or even do. I just ordered my prescription the same way I always do, with the app, no changes. I had to trek between pharmacy and the doctors to get it sorted out, so it was sent to the correct pharmacy. I had some lovely receptionists on both sides who went above and beyond to get me what I needed and to even sort it for next month. I even chatted with pharmacist about my visual impairment and what happened, and they were really kind about it. Because there’s an automated system you can use to collect your prescriptions from, with a box and you key in some numbers but both my height and my sight make this inaccessible. And in the end, I got my prescription, within ten minutes. 

I’m really glad its been resolved. I have what I need, and had a great service. But none of that was needed. Its been stressing me out and causing me extra anxiety all month, worrying that I won’t be able to get what I need, if it will be the same process next month, or if they would stop me from having them. And if they’d kept the same catchment area, I wouldn’t have to had to go through any of that. I could have ordered it the same as usual, and got it weeks earlier. I feel so much happier and relaxed now its been done. Sorry if was a long post, needed to get this out of my system, and writing it like this helps. I also ordered the largest cappuccino I could find afterwards, as I was just frazzled and tired.

By Sarah

A visually impaired science fiction and fantasy writer who loves music, mythology, and plays the clarinet. Had one short story and eleven flashes published both in print and online. A work in progress, improving my mental health one story at a time.