Why I Love Headphones

I love headphones. I carry a set everywhere. I wear them all the time. I have a favorite set, a green pair I bought on Amazon ages ago, but have really good sound and are super comfortable. I even have a spare blue pair, just in case.

I love headphones. I can’t concentrate in silence. There has to be something, even if it’s just ambience. I focus best with music on, when I’m working or writing. Movie soundtracks are my favourite for focusing, as they get me in the zone and have no lyrics to distract me. I have loads of Spotify playlists like this, usually Matvel or Back to the Future or Pirates of the Caribbean. With headphones, I can put a playlist on, and I get a lot more done.

I recently got a new set with a microphone, for my new role. I was having issues with the sound on the laptop, along with my quiet voice. With these new headphones, I can contribute to meetings, and have my voice heard. I have been able to speak up in meetings, and even ask questions, things I struggled with before I got these headphones.

With anxiety, sometimes the world gets too much. I struggle with loud noises, a major trigger for me. These can be anything from a loud ringtone, a door slamming, noisy people on mobiles, violent sneezes, my dad’s radio, self service checkouts, lifts, and alarms. It also includes larger noises like drilling and hammering, making decorators my worst nightmare. It also includes fireworks, which I dread every year, which will come back around soon. With headphones, I can retreat into my own safe space, drown out the world with music, and I feel a lot better afterwards.

Headphones help me wake up, and also to get to sleep, and to relax me. I struggle with going to bed and getting out of bed, with insomnia and anxiety. I have a favourite podcast I listen to in the morning with my headphones, about myths and legends. It helps me get out of bed in the morning, as something to look forward to when my mind is already dreading the day ahead. As a visually impaired person, I love audible. Audible is great for listening to stories, meaning I can still access and enjoy them. I usually listen to a small section of one with my headphones before bed, and it helps me to sleep. I also love Headspace, which helps calm my busy mind whenever I need it. Headspace works best on headphones for me, with the ambient sound of the sea in the background to really make me relax.

I also use them when having lunch. My dad often likes to have his radio on super loud at that time, so I usually shelter in my headphones with a podcast. I try to drown out his depressive radio shows with something cheerful, so I don’t get miserable and run out of energy in the afternoon. It also helps to shut out his rather loud phone conversations, which make me nervous and shaky. When I’ve listened to something, I can face him a lot more easily, and feel happier for the rest of my day.

Headphones help me in so many ways, which is why I love them so much.

By Sarah

A visually impaired science fiction and fantasy writer who loves music, mythology, and plays the clarinet. Had one short story and eleven flashes published both in print and online. A work in progress, improving my mental health one story at a time.